About Us

Salve is a specialised B2B payment hub, so the focus is on payments only. There are no loans, no cards, etc...we do not expose ourselves or our clients to any risk in banking.

Our seamless payment solution is powered by our partner Finastra, a pioneer in core-banking and banking on the cloud. This substantially helps us reach one of our major goals and that is to help streamline the B2B payments sector. At Salve your funds are safe, you have your own account and your own IBAN number.

Salve ensures the highest regard in funds protection. We open your account and issue you a dedicated IBAN, but funds will be deposited in a leading European depository bank and CARISP bank.



A stellar team of experts. Decades of experience in Finance, Trade, AML, Banking, Regulations, and Fintech – dedicated to streamlining B2B payments. Licensed and authorized by the Central Bank of San Marino, Salve Financial Hub is the region’s first institute capable of offering a cross-border payment solution for small-medium businesses and larger enterprises.

Founded in







Inspiration and

  • To create a secure & reliable B2B payment solution for our clients.
  • Accelerate the B2B payment sector.
  • To maintain the reputation of compliant & transparent businesses worldwide.

Open your Business Bank Account

Set up your bank account completely online and access SEPA and
SWIFT payments immediately.